
Leaning into Curves

Leaning into Curves:
Trusting the Wild Intuitive Way of Love
by Linda Sandel Pettit
342 pages. In paperback, hardcover, and Kindle ebook.
Available from at:

Memoirs are one of the hardest genres to write, and the most rewarding to read. One of the best memoirs I have ever read (and, along with Knife by Salman Rushdie, one of the finest nonfiction books of 2024) is Linda Sandel Pettit’s personal story, Leaning into Curves: Trusting the Wild Intuitive Way of Love.

Anne Lamott, in her modern classic, Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life, writes:
“But so many of us can be soothed by writing: think of how many times you have opened a book, read one line, and said, ‘‘Yes!” And I want to give people that feeling, too, of connection, communion.”
If that is what you are seeking in a book — not merely entertainment and escape — instead, a starry guide to your true self, to healing, to resilience, to a deeper connection and a more meaningful life, then Leaning into Curves is the book for you.
The author writes:
“This is a therapist’s tale of finding love — at home and in my work — by listening to the intuitive wisdom of my heart. It is a tale of losing the beat in the noise of mistrust, exhaustion, resentment, and grief. It is a tale of how love, a brilliant force, uses life as medicine. It is a tale of forgiveness. It is a tale of how intuitive wisdom pointed the way around blindsiding curves and dark mountains.”
What is the experience of reading this unique book? Imagine a morning drinking coffee next to a smart and caring therapist, telling her life story with pure sincerity. A story overflowing with magical moments, mysterious coincidences, memorable scenes of love and kindness, tragedy and despair, courage and moving forward. This book is a marvelous journey, a treasure chest of revealed truths and hidden gems.
One last quote, this time from Martin Buber:
“Every journey has secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.”
Linda Sandel Petit has walked the walk, ridden the wild ride, and then come back from the journey to bring us wisdom, insights, and hope. A page turner and a joy to read from from the first page to the last, Leaning into Curves increased my synchronicities, reminded me to be courageous, and made me more aware of the secret destinations through the heart of my own tempestuous life.

Michael Pastore
Zorba Editing