
Leaning into Curves

Leaning into Curves:
Trusting the Wild Intuitive Way of Love
by Linda Sandel Pettit
342 pages. In paperback, hardcover, and Kindle ebook.
Available from at:

Memoirs are one of the hardest genres to write, and the most rewarding to read. One of the best memoirs I have ever read (and, along with Knife by Salman Rushdie, one of the finest nonfiction books of 2024) is Linda Sandel Pettit’s personal story, Leaning into Curves: Trusting the Wild Intuitive Way of Love.


Knife by Salman Rushdie

Salman Rushdie’s latest memoir is Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder.

In the video below, Rushdie and his wife talk about the horrific event, and the extraordinary book that came out of it.

And here is Rushdie interviewed on 60 Minutes by Anderson Cooper: